Change your folder to the shortcut of control pannel and hide its content from others

To change your private folder to the short cut of control panel and hide its contents ,follow the steps below.
Scenario: I have a folder testforu on D:\accendoz
Then the steps are:
1. Open a notepad
2. Type the following sentence
ren testforu testforu.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
3. Save as lockaccendoz.bat (any name you can use) on D:\accendoz
4. Double click on it and see the result
Note: When we click on the folder (which will look like control panel icon) ,it will open the control panel instead of the folder content.
Unloack the folder
1. Open a notepad
2. Type the following sentence
ren testforu.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} testforu
3. Save as unlockaccendoz.bat (any name you can use) on D:\accendoz
4. Double click on it and the folder will be unlocked.