Check software conflicts and the system crash reasons by performing clean boot

Many times we may face software conflict on our computer after installing particular software on driver on our computer. Some times we cannot predict what is the exact reason for this conflict and we are unable to operate our computer due to some mysterious reasons. In these kind of situations we need to rectifie the actual reason of the computer malfunctioning where it is the OS related issue or any third party software is causing the issue. To check it we need to disable all third party services on our computer and run our computer with OS process only. This process is called clean boot.
Check reasons for system crash by performing clean boot
If the reason for the recent system crash is third party software conflict we can find it by booting your computer without that services. To disable all third party services on your computer follow the steps below.
1. Click on start go to Run.
2. On Run window type msconfig and press OK.
How to check the reasons for system crash
3. Now the system configuration window will open
How to open System configuration window
4. Click on Services tab.
How to perform clean boot on your computer
5. Hide all Microsoft services
On this services window we can see all services present on our computer. It includes Microsoft services and other third party services. To disable particular service on your computer we need to uncheck that particular service on your computer. To disable all third party services check the box Hide all Microsoft Services and then click on Disable All.
Disable all third party services on your computer
Now click on disable all button and Click Apply. When you click OK the computer will restart.
How to decide which process is causing the issue
To perform it each time you can uncheck the suspected services and check for the error.
How to recover from the clean boot
To recover from the clean boot we need to perform all the steps mentioned above. Instead of click on disable all we need to click Enable All button.