1. Basic Editing and Formatting
Skip this section if you know basic shortcuts; these are pretty much the same for all Standard Applications. | |
ctrl+z / y | Undo / Redo the last action. |
arrow left / arrow right | Move one character to the left / right. |
ctrl+arrow left / ctrl+arrow right | Move one word to the left / right. |
arrow up / arrow down | Move one line up /down down. |
ctrl+arrow down / ctrl+arrow up | Move to the next/ previous paragraph. |
home / end | Move to the beginning / end of the line. |
ctrl+home / ctrl+end | Scroll to the top/ bottom of the current page. |
page up / page down | Scroll up/ down in the current page. |
ctrl+backspace / ctrl+delete | Delete one word to the left / right. |
ctrl+x / ctrl+c / ctrl+v | Cut/ Copy/ Paste the selected text or item. |
ctrl+b | Apply or remove bold formatting from the selected text. |
ctrl+i | Apply or remove italic formatting from the selected text. |
ctrl+u | Apply or remove the underline from the selected text. |
ctrl+a | Select all items on the current page. |
shift+home / shift+end | Select to the beginning / end of the line. |
shift+arrow down | Select the whole line (when the cursor is at the beginning of the line). |
2. Specific OneNote Shortcuts for Selecting, Editing, and Formatting
ctrl+shift+c / ctrl+shift+v | Copy / Paste the formatting of selected text (new in Outlook 2010) |
ctrl+shift+h or ctrl+alt+h | Highlight selected text in yellow. |
ctrl+- | Apply or remove strikethrough from the selected text. |
ctrl+shift+= | Apply or remove superscript formatting from the selected text. |
ctrl+= | Apply or remove subscript formatting from the selected text. |
ctrl+. (Period) | Apply or remove bulleted list formatting from the selected paragraph. |
ctrl+/ | Apply or remove numbered list formatting from the selected paragraph. |
ctrl+alt+1 ... ctrl+alt+6 | Apply a Heading 1 - 6 style to the current note. |
ctrl+shift+n | Apply the Normal style to the current note. |
alt+shift+arrow right / arrow left | Indent a paragraph to the right / remove indent. |
ctrl+r / ctrl+l | Right-align / left-align the selected paragraph. |
ctrl+shift+> / ctrl+shift+< | Increase / decrease the font size of selected text. |
ctrl+shift+n | Clear all formatting applied to the selected text. |
shift+f10 | Bring up the context menu for any note, tab, or any other object that currently has focus (Simluate right mouse-button). |
ctrl+k | Insert a hyperlink. |
enter | Open a hyperlink. The cursor must be placed anywhere within the formatted hyperlink text. |
ctrl+shift+t | Jump to the title of the page and select it. |
esc | Cancel the selected outline or page. |
alt+shift+arrow up / alt+shift+arrow down | Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs up / down. |
alt+shift+arrow left / alt+shift+arrow right | Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs left / right (decreasing/ increasing the the indent). |
ctrl+shift+- | Select the current paragraph and its subordinate paragraphs. |
shift+enter | Insert a line break without starting a new paragraph. |
ctrl+a | Select all items on the current page. Press ctrl+a more than once to increase the scope of the selection. |
3. Work with the OneNote Window(s)
ctrl+f1 | Show or hide the Ribbon. |
ctrl+shift+m | Open a small OneNote window to create a side note. |
f11 | Turn full-screen view on or off. |
ctrl+alt+d | Dock/ Undock OneNote program window to Desktop. |
ctrl+m | Open a new OneNote window / replicate window. |
win+n | Create a new side note. |
ctrl+m | Open a new OneNote window. |
4. Managing Pages, Notebooks and Sections
ctrl+shift+r | Show or hide rule lines on the current page. |
alt+arrow left / alt+arrow right | Go back to the last page / forward to the next page visited. |
ctrl+tab / ctrl+shift+tab | Go to the next / previous section. |
ctrl+page down / ctrl+page up | Go to the next / previous page in the section. |
alt+home / alt+end | Go to the first / last page in the section. |
alt+page up / alt+page down | Go to the first / last page in the currently visible set of page tabs. |
ctrl+t | Create a new section. |
ctrl+o | Open a notebook. |
ctrl+alt+shift+o | Open a section. |
ctrl+alt+m | Move or copy the current page. |
ctrl+alt+g | Put focus on the current page tab. |
ctrl+shift+a | Select the current page tab. |
ctrl+shift+g | Put focus on the current section tab. |
ctrl+shift+g, shift+f10, m | Move the current section. |
ctrl+g, then press arrow down or arrow up to select, then enter | Switch to a different notebook on the Navigation bar. |
5. Creating and Manipulating OneNote Tables
tab | Create a table by adding a second column to already typed text. Create another column in a table with a single row. |
enter | Create another row when at the end cell of a table. Press ENTER a second time to finish the table. |
ctrl+enter | Create a row below the current row in a table. |
alt+enter | Create another paragraph in the same cell in a table. |
ctrl+alt+r | Create a column to the right of the current column in a table. |
ctrl+alt+e | Create a column to the left of the current column in a table. |
enter | Create a row above the current one in a table (when the cursor is at the beginning of any row). |
press del twice | Delete the current empty row in a table (when the cursor is at the beginning of the row). |
6. Adding Items to a Page
alt+shift+d | Insert the current date. |
alt+shift+f | Insert the current date and time. |
alt+shift+t | Insert the current time. |
alt+n, f | Insert a document or file on the current page. |
alt+n, o | Insert a document or file as a printout on the current page. |
alt+shift+p | Show or hide document printouts on the current page (when running OneNote in High Contrast mode). |
alt+n, p | Insert a picture from a file. |
alt+n, s | Insert a picture from a scanner or a camera. |
win+s | Insert a screen clipping. The OneNote icon must be active in the notification area on the Windows taskbar. |
shift+enter | Insert a line break. |
7. Working with Outlines
alt+shift+1 ... 9 | Show through Level 1 - 9. |
alt+shift+0 | Expand all levels. |
tab / shift+tab | Increase / decrease indent by one level. |
alt+shift++ | Expand a collapsed outline. |
alt+shift+- | Collapse an expanded outline. |
8. Working with and inside Pages / Side Notes
ctrl+shift+* | Expand or collapse the subordinate tabs of a page group. |
ctrl+p | Print the current page. |
ctrl+n | Add a new page at the end of the selected section. |
ctrl+shift+[ / ctrl+shift+] | Increase / Decrease the width of the page tabs bar. |
ctrl+alt+[ / ctrl+alt+] | Decrease / Increase indent level of the current page tab label. |
ctrl+alt+n | Create a new page below the current page tab at the same level. |
ctrl+shift+alt+n | Create a new subpage below the current page. |
ctrl+shift+a | Select the current page. (If the selected page is part of a group, press ctrl+a to select all of the pages in the group.) |
ctrl+shift+t | Move the insertion point to the page title. |
alt+ctrl++ on the numeric keyp or alt+ctrl+shift++ | Zoom in. |
alt+ctrl+- on the numeric keypad or alt+ctrl+shift+- | Zoom out. |
ctrl+alt+arrow up / ctrl+alt+arrow down | Move the insertion point up / down in the current page, or expand the page up. |
ctrl+alt+arrow left / ctrl+alt+arrow right | Move the insertion point left / right in the current page, or expand the page to the left / right. |
alt+arrow down | Go to the next note container. |
9. Tagging Notes
ctrl+1 | Apply, mark, or clear the To Do tag. |
ctrl+2 | Apply or clear the Important tag. |
ctrl+3 | Apply or clear the Question tag. |
ctrl+4 | Apply or clear the Remember for later tag. |
ctrl+5 | Apply or clear the Definition tag. |
ctrl+6 ... ctrl+9 | Apply or clear a custom tag. |
ctrl+0 | Remove all note tags from the selected notes. |
▲ up
10. Searching Notes
ctrl+e | Move the insertion point to the Search box to search all notebooks. |
arrow down | While searching all notebooks, preview the next result. |
enter | While searching all notebooks, go to the selected result and dismiss Search. |
ctrl+e, tab, space | Change the search scope. |
alt+o after searching | Open the Search Results pane. |
ctrl+f | Search only the current page. You can switch between searching everywhere and searching only the current page at any point by pressing CRTL+E or CTRL+F. |
enter or f3 | While searching the current page, move to the next result. |
shift+f3 | While searching the current page, move to the previous result. |
esc | Dismiss Search and return to the page. |
11. Various Other OneNote Shortcuts
11.1. Manage Audio and Video in OneNote
ctrl+alt+p | Start playback of a selected audio or video recording. |
ctrl+alt+s | Stop playback of a selected audio or video recording. |
ctrl+alt+y | Rewind the current audio or video recording by a few seconds. |
ctrl+alt+u | Fast-forward the current audio or video recording by a few seconds. |
11.2. Special language settings
ctrl+left shift | Set writing direction left to right. |
ctrl+right shift | Set writing direction right to left. |
tab | Increase indent by one level in right-to-left text. |
shift+tab | Decrease indent by one level in right-to-left text. |
11.3. Sharing Notes with other People or Programs
ctrl+shift+e | Send the selected pages in an e-mail message. |
ctrl+shift+1 | Create a Today Outlook task from the currently selected note. |
ctrl+shift+2 | Create a Tomorrow Outlook task from the currently selected note. |
ctrl+shift+3 | Create a This Week Outlook task from the currently selected note. |
ctrl+shift+4 | Create a Next Week Outlook task from the currently selected note. |
ctrl+shift+5 | Create a No Date Outlook task from the currently selected note. |
ctrl+shift+k | Open the selected Outlook task. |
ctrl+shift+9 | Mark the selected Outlook task as complete. |
ctrl+shift+0 | Delete the selected Outlook task. |
shift+f9 | Sync changes in the current shared notebook. |
f9 | Sync changes in all shared notebooks. |
ctrl+q | Mark the current page as Unread. |
11.4. The Rest
f7 | Check spelling. |
shift+f7 | Open the thesaurus for the currently selected word. |
ctrl+shift+w | Execute the action suggested on the Information Bar if it appears at the top of a page. |
ctrl+alt+l | Lock all password-protected sections. |
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