Mo-Search – Beta

Mo-Search - Screenshot
If you're getting increasingly lost under the weight of all the data on your hard drive, then Mo-Search might be able to help you.
Mo-Search works by ranking and sorting results according to relevance rather than Windows own search function which just searches for keywords.  Mo-Search is very easy to use in that it simply requires you to enter your search terms and hit the search button. You can refine searches to specific folders, dates, file sizes etc. One particularly useful function of this program is that it can also search network drives which is something that Windows search can't. It's also very useful if your drive has been clogged with duplicate files – it has a duplicate file searcher which cleans-up your system. Programmers may find Mo-Search of interest too because it searches source code including ASP, C, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, Lex, Oracle, NSIS, XML and many more. 
“This is a powerful search tool which can't really compare with Google Desktop but at least it doesn't have the potential security holes of the former”
Mo-Search Advantages:
  • Ranked And Sorted Results:  During each search, files are scored by relevance and sorted to maximize your search productivity. So, you quickly find what you are looking for.
  • Easy To Use:  Relevant files are quickly located and sorted by Score, so your computer does the searching, not you.
  • 100% Free (As in $0.00 and Spyware/Adware-Free).  We much prefer improving many people's lives (for free) to making a buck off of a select few… or much worse: slamming innocent peoples computers with malicious Spyware. (We are big fans of free Spyware removal tools such as Ad-Aware and SpyBot)
  • Search Networked Drives (shares).  Some competitors provide a free, yet neutered, search tool that prohibits searching networked drives.
  • FileViewer With Highlighted Matches quickly displays file contents and matches without launching separate applications.
  • EXIF QuickView displays adjacent to Integrated FileViewer when an image contain EXIF data.
  • Find Duplicate Files tool:  Quickly locate and cleanup duplicate files.
  • Find File Types tool:  Quickly calculate which file types are using the most space.
What Mo-Search Text Indexes: Over 170 file types including:
  • Microsoft Office applications: Excel, PowerPoint and Word documents.
  • Web content: .html, .htm, etc..
  • Source Code: ASP, C, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, Lex, Oracle, NSIS, XML and many more!
  • Windows Configuration: .bat, .cmd, .cgi, .reg, .xml, and many more!
How Mo-Search works:
  • Initial Index:  During installation, your computer is indexed.  While initial indexing typically takes thirty minutes, actual duration depends on your computer's speed, quantity of files, and size of files.
  • To Search: Enter search text and press [Search].  Listed results are ranked by Score.  Simply select a file to display its contents in the integrated File Viewer.  Optionally, you may search by Path, Filename and Search Domain.
  • Reindex:  To keep your search index synchronized with your files, periodically [Reindex].  Each Reindex may take as few as 10 minutes.

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OS Requirements:
Win 98/Win 2000/Win 2003/
Win 2008Win XP/
Vista/Win 7Download - Mo-Search