How to redirect visitor to a different page by setting time frame

In this tutorial I am presenting an easy method to redirect your visitors by adding a simple meta tag on your website. The name of the meta tag is known as meta refresh tag. The format of meta refresh tag is given below.
meta refresh tag
The meta refresh tag is used to refresh the web page after the time frame we set. In the above meta tag it will refresh the web page after 5 seconds.
Use Meta Refresh tag to redirect your visitor
To redirect your visitor to a different URL from the landing page you can use the meta refresh tag as provided below.
Meta redirection tag
The above meta tag will redirect visitors to a destination URL after 5 seconds. To redirect visitor to the destination URL without any delay we need to set the time frame to zero. The code should be like the following one.
Immediate redirection to destination url
Risk factors using redirect tags
Many time visitors will be unsatisfied with the redirection and you may loose some loyal visitors. The second issue is ,now it can be treated as a black hat SEO trick to gain traffic by fooling visitors and spiders to new URL. So if you like to use this tag ,you should think twice. The best method to implement redirect from one URL to another is by 301 redirection.
Using 302 redirect is not considered as good SEO practice now due to many redirection exploitations.